
At TIFR Hyderabad, research topics are carefully chosen across various branches of natural science. The most unique feature of research at TIFRH, however, is the department-less structure of the institution. This allows for fluid, interdisciplinary research that places an emphasis on collaboration between research areas, and facilitates understanding and engagement between scientists. This is crucial within the context of contemporary Indian and global science, where it is increasingly becoming clear that societal challenges are best solved through multidisciplinary approaches.

Research Area

TIFRH’s non-traditional, department-less structure for interdisciplinary research is fostered by a dynamic and versatile faculty.


TIFRH offers doctoral programmes across the life sciences, chemistry, physics, and the materials sciences.


Browse through the state-of-the-art infrastructure that enable TIFRH to address intricate scientific questions.


Browse through the state-of-the-art infrastructure that enable TIFRH to address intricate scientific questions.

Faculty @ TIFR Hyderabad