Computer Center

Information Technology Services (ITS) caters to the diverse technology needs of TIFR-H students, faculty, employees, and visitors. ITS provides technical support, resources, and services to help everyone at the TIFR-H work smarter, faster, and safer.

Technology impacts virtually everyone on campus, extending across academic, research, administrative, and outreach aspects of the organization. In collaboration with IT professionals across the institution, ITS provides the vision and delivery of IT service essential to the operation and success of the organization.

Important Contact

IT Support

Office : IT Office, SB1

Email : itsupport at tifrh dot res dot in

Phone : +91 40 2020 3117

Timing : Monday-Friday: 9:30AM–5:30PM

HPC Support

Office : IT Office, SB1

Email : hpcsupport at tifrh dot res dot in

Phone : +91 40 2020 3094

Timing : Monday-Friday: 9:30AM–5:30PM