Project-based foldscope workshop for TSWREIS school students

Project-based foldscope workshop for TSWREIS school students
Venue: RCO office, Shaikpet
January 21, 2019

Eight TSWREIS schools (​Chilkur, Dharmaram, Gowlidoddi, Isnapur, Kondapur, Mahendra Hills, Narsingi and Shaikpet) participated in the workshop, with ​8 teachers and ​17 ​students of Class ​8 ​and ​9​.

I. Introductory session: 10.40 -11.30 am

Welcome and introduction to foldscope with initial interaction and collection of concept-based questions from students

II. Introducing the project topics, preparing, observing and photographing slides: 11.30 am-3:30 pm

Projects (Part 1– 11:30 am to 1 pm)

  1. Observe and study the upper and lower epidermis of monocot and dicot leaves.
  2. Observe and study onion and garlic peel.

 Lunch Break: 1-2 pm 

Projects (Part 2– 2:00 to 3:30 pm)

  1. Observe and study different fungi growing on different substrates.
  2. Observe pond water and identify different organisms (unicellular and multicellular).





III. Collecting children’s question and closing remarks: 3:30 to 4 pm



Dr. Anu Joy
Dr. Debashree Sengupta