Date & Time Title Speaker
Feb 21, 2020

02.30 PM

Stability of Salty Foams Anand Yethiraj, Memorial University, NL
Feb 18, 2020

11.30 AM

Using protein side-chain dynamics to characterize protein function and allosteric enzymatic regulation Flemming Hansen, University College London, UK
Feb 10, 2020

04.00 PM

Manipulating Proton-Driven Spin Diffusion under MAS Solid-state NMR Matthias Ernst, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Feb 05, 2020

04.00 PM

Synthetic Morphogenesis: 3D curved structures from flat sheets Shankar Ghosh, TIFR, Mumbai
Jan 07, 2020

04.00 PM

What do Night time Lights tell us About Patterns of India's Economic Growth and Spatial Development in the Post-Reform Era? Meenu Tewari, University of North Carolina, NC