Students Annual Seminars 2020

Date Time Title Speaker
28 Feb, 2020

09.30 AM CAAC-CAAC Dimer Mithilesh Kumar Nayak
10.30 AM Probing Dynamic and Static Correlation Lengths in Supercooled Liquid using Rodlike Particles Anoop Mutneja
24 Feb, 2020

10.30 AM Applications of Machine Learning for Bio-molecular Simulations Satyabrata Bandyopadhyay
17 Feb, 2020

12.00 PM Unconventional deformation structures in confined membranes under stretching Debankur Das
14 Feb, 2020

10.30 AM Farewell to a Power Law Paswa Nath
10 Feb, 2020

09.30 AM Fragment-based search to identify novel binding sites of PfRh5 protein Abhisek Kar
10.30 AM Pseudo turbulence by buoyancy-driven bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell Rashmi Ramaadugu
03 Feb, 2020

04.00 PM Signature of gate-controlled interface magnetism in the surface state of Bi2Se3 by proximity to EuS Satyaki Sasmal