
    • Detecting spins by their fluorescence with a microwave photon counter
      E Albertinale, L Balembois, E Billaud, V Ranjan, D Flanigan, T Schenkel, D Estève, D Vion, P Bertet, E Flurin
      Nature 600, 434-438 (2021)
    • Twenty-three–millisecond electron spin coherence of erbium ions in a natural-abundance crystal
      M Le Dantec, M Rančić, S Lin, E Billaud, V Ranjan, D Flanigan, S Bertaina, T Chanelière, P Goldner, A Erb, RB Liu, D Estève, D Vion, E Flurin, P Bertet
      Science Advances 7, eabj9786 (2021)
    • Spatially Resolved Decoherence of Donor Spins in Silicon Strained by a Metallic Electrode
      V Ranjan, B Albanese, E Albertinale, E Billaud, D Flanigan, JJ Pla, T Schenkel, D Vion, D Esteve, E Flurin, JJL Morton, YM Niquet, P Bertet
      Physical Review X 11 (3), 031036 (2021)
    • Hyperfine spectroscopy in a quantum-limited spectrometer
      S Probst, GL Zhang, M Rancic, V Ranjan, M Le Dantec, Z Zhong, B Albanese, A Doll, RB Liu, JJL Morton, T Chanelilere, P Goldner, D Vion, D Esteve, P Bertet
      Magn. Reson. 1 (2), 315–330 (2021)
    • Multimode storage of quantum microwave fields in electron spins over 100 ms
      V Ranjan, J O’Sullivan, E Albertinale, B Albanese, T Chanelière, T Schenkel, D Vion, D Esteve, E Flurin, J Morton, P Bertet
      Physical Review Letters 125, 210505 (2020)
    • Radiative cooling of a spin ensemble
      B Albanese, S Probst, V Ranjan, CW Zollitsch, M Pechal, A Wallraff, JJL Morton, D Vion, D Esteve, E Flurin, P Bertet
      Nature Physics 16, 751–755 (2020)
    • Shaped pulses for transient compensation in quantum-limited electron spin resonance spectroscopy
      S Probst, V Ranjan, Q Ansel, R Heeres, B Albanese, E Albertinale, D Vion, D Esteve, SJ Glaser, D Sugny, P Bertet
      Journal of Magnetic Resonance 303, 42 (2019)
    • Measuring a Quantum Dot with an Impedance-Matching On-Chip Superconducting Resonator at Gigahertz Frequencies
      MC Harabula, T Hasler, G Fülöp, M Jung, V Ranjan, C Schönenberger
      Physical Review Applied 8 (5), 054006 (2017)
    • Clean carbon nanotubes coupled to superconducting impedance-matching circuits
      V Ranjan, G Puebla-Hellmann, M Jung, T Hasler, A Nunnenkamp, M Muoth, C Hierold, A Wallraff, C Schönenberger
      Nature Communications 6, 7165 (2015)
    • Probing dynamics of an electron-spin ensemble via a superconducting resonator
      V Ranjan, G De Lange, R Schutjens, T Debelhoir, JP Groen, D Szombati, DJ Thoen, TM Klapwijk, R Hanson, L DiCarlo
      Physical review letters 110 (6), 067004 (2013)