- Vipin Agarwal, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi and Yusuke Nishiyama,
. Solid-State Nucl. Magn. Reson., Jan. (2025)
- Bijaylaxmi Patra, Vipin Agarwal, Yusuke Nishiyama, Neeraj Sinha Probing Spatial Proximities between protons of Collagen protein in Native Bone using 2D 1H Multiple Quantum Experiments under Fast MAS NMR Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (Accepted, Dec 2024)
- Ribal Jabbour, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Vipin Agarwal, and Asif Equbal Tailoring Solid-state DNP methods to the study of α-Synuclein LLPS, Biophysical Chemistry, 107303 (2024)
- Sunil Kumar Rai, Lokeswara Rao Potnuru, Nghia Duong, Toshio Yamazaki, Ashwini Kumar Nangia, Yusuke Nishiyama and Vipin Agarwal Probing local structural differences in isostructural Hydrate and Perhydrate of Dabrafenib using MAS Solid-Sate NMR, ACS Analytical Chemistry, 96, 30, 12308-12315 (2024)
- Sahil Ahlawat, Surabhi Mehra, Samir K Maji, Vipin Agarwal, Solid-state NMR assignment of α-synuclein polymorph prepared from isolated helical intermediates, Biomolecular NMR Assignment (June, 2024) In Press
Pravin P. Taware, Mukul G. Jain, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Vipin Agarwal, P. K. Madhu, and Kaustubh R. Mote Measuring dipolar-order in non-deuterated proteins using solid-state NMR at the magic-angle-spinning frequency of 100 kHz Journal Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 15, 3627–3635 (2023)
Sahil Ahlawat, Subbarao Mohana Venkata Mopidevi, Pravin P. Taware, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Kaustubh R. Mote and Vipin Agarwal Assignment of aromatic side-chain spins and characterisation of their distance restraints at fast MAS Journal of Structural Biology X, 7, 100082, (2023) (Invited Article)
Yusuke Nishiyama, Guangjin Hou, Vipin Agarwal, Yongchao Su, and Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy Ultrafast Magic Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: Advances in Methodology and Applications, Chemical Reviews, 123,3,918-988
Surabhi Mehra, , , , , , , , , , , α-Synuclein aggregation intermediates form fibril polymorphs with distinct prion-like properties
Sahil Ahlawat, Kaustubh R. Mote, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi and Vipin Agarwal Mechanism of polarization exchange amongst chemically similar and distinct protons during weak rf irradiation at fast magic angle spinning Resn. 340, 107236 (
Jahnu Saikia, Venu Bhat, Lokeswara Rao Potnuru, Amay Redkar, Vipin Agarwal, Vibin Ramakrishnan, Minimalist de novo design of an artificial enzyme ACS, Omega, 7, 23, 19131-19140 (2022)
Sahil Ahlawat, Kaustubh R. Mote, Nils-Alexander Lakomek and Vipin Agarwal Solid-State NMR – Methods for Biological Solids Chem. Rev., 122, 10, 9643-9737 (2022)
Nghia Tuan Duong, Vipin Agarwal and Yusuke Nishiyama Separating an overlapped 1H peak and identifying its 1H-1H correlations with the use of single-channel 1H solid-state NMR at fast MAS Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson., 117, 101774, (2022)
Rongchun Zhang, Vipin Agarwal and Yusuke Nishiyama “Proton Triple-Quantum (TQ) NMR spectroscopy at slow MAS ~10 kHz” Resn. Open 8-9, 100020 (2021)
Lokeswara Rao Potnuru, Nghia Tuan Duong, Budaraju Sasank, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Yusuke Nishiyama and Vipin Agarwal Selective1H-1H recoupling via symmetry sequences in fully protonated samples at fast magic angle spinning J. Magn.Resn., 328, 107004, (2021)
Yusuke Nishiyama, Vipin Agarwal and Rongchun Zhang Efficient Symmetry-Based γ-Encoded DQ Recoupling Sequences for Suppression of t1-Noise in Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy at Fast MAS Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson., 114, 101734 (2021)
Yusuke Nishiyama, VipinAgarwal and Rongchun Zhang t1-noise suppression by γ-free recoupling sequences in solid-state NMR for structural characterization of fully protonated molecules at fast MAS J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 48, 26332–26343 (2020)
Lokeswara Rao Potnuru,Nghia Tuan Duong, Sahil Ahlawat, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Matthias Ernst, Yusuke Nishiyama and Vipin Agarwal Accuracy of 1H-1H distances measured using frequency selective recoupling and fast Magic Angle Spinning. J. Chem. Phys.,153, 084202 (2020)
Nghia Tuan Duong, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Yusuke Nishiyama, and Vipin Agarwal, Can proton-proton recoupling in fully protonated solids provide quantitative, selective and efficient polarization transfer? J. Magn.Reson., 317, 10677 (2020)
Surabhi Mehra, , , , , , , , , , ,
Mukul G. Jain, G. Rajalakshmi, P. K. Madhu, Vipin Agarwal and K. R. Mote, Overcoming Prohibitively Large Radiofrequency Demands for the Measurement of Internuclear Distances with Solid-State NMR Under Fast Magic-Angle Spinning J. Phys. Chem. B 124, 8, 1444-1451 (2020)<
Kshama Sharma, P. K. Madhu, Vipin Agarwal and Kaustubh R. Mote Simultaneous recording of intra- and inter-residue linking experiments for backbone assignments in proteins at fast MAS frequencies J. Biomol. NMR, 74, 229-237 ( 2020)
Vipin Agarwal,The Origin of Negative Cross-peaks in Proton-Spin Diffusion Spectrum of Fully Protonated Solids at Fast MAS: Coherent or Incoherent Effect? J. Magn.Reson., 311, 106661(2020)
Mukul G. Jain, G. Rajalakshmi, Vipin Agarwal, P. K. Madhu, Kaustubh R. Mote On the direct relation between REDOR and DIPSHIFT experiments in solid-state NMR J. Magn.Reson., 208,106563 (2019)
Mukul G. Jain, Measuring strong one-bond dipolar couplings using REDOR in magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR. J. Chem. Phys. 150, 134201 (2019)
Nghia Tuan Duong, Sreejith Raran-Kurussi, Yusuke Nishiyama, and Vipin Agarwal Quantitative 1H-1H Distances in Protonated Solids by Frequency Selective Recoupling at Fast Magic Angle Spinning NMR . J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9,20, 5948-5954 (2018)
Rakesh Kumar, Subhadeep Das, Saroj K Rout, Saayak Halder, Ganesh M. Mohite, Narendra Nath Jha, Surabhi Mehra, Vipin Agarwal, and Samir K Maji, Neurotoxic oligomers and fibrils trapped in a gel-like state of α-synuclein assemblies. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed . Volume 57, Issue19 , 5262-5266 (2018)
Kong Ooi Tan, Vipin Agarwal, Nils-Alexander Lakomek, Susanne Penzel, Beat H. Meier, Matthias Ernst, Efficient Low-Power TOBSY Sequences for Fast MAS. Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson., 89, 27-34 (2018)
Soumya Vinod, Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, Atanu Samanta, Sehmus Ozden, T.N. Narayanan, Robert Vajtai, Vipin Agarwal, A.K.Singh, George John, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Graphene Oxide- Epoxy (GO -xy): GO as Epoxy Adhesive by Interfacial Reaction of Functionalities, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 1700657 (2017)<
Mukul G. Jain, K.N. Sreedevi, Asif Equbal, P.K. Madhu and Vipin Agarwal, Refocusing pulses: A strategy to improve efficiency of phase-modulated heteronuclear decoupling schemes in MAS solid-state NMR J. Magn. Reson., 284, 59-65 (2017)
Mukul G. Jain, G Rajalakshmi, Asif Equbal, Kaustubh Mote, Vipin Agarwal, P. K. Madhu, Sine-Squared Shifted pulse for recoupling interactions in solid-state NMR J. Chem. Phys., 146 (24), 244201. (2017)
Mukul G Jain, Daniela Lalli, Jan Stanek, Chandrakala Gowda, Satya Prakash, Tom S. Schwarzer, Tobias Schubeis, Kathrin Castiglione, Loren B. Andreas, P.K. Madhu, Guido Pintacuda and Vipin Agarwal, Selective 1H-1H Distance Restraints in Fully Protonated Proteins by Very Fast Magic Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 2399-2405 (2017)
Asif Equbal, P. K. Madhu, Beat H. Meier, Niels Chr. Nielsen, Matthias Ernst and Vipin Agarwal, Parameter independent low-power heteronuclear decoupling for fast magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR J.Chem. Phys., 146, 084202 (2017)
Johannes J. Wittmann, Vipin Agarwal, Beat H. Meier, Matthias Ernst. Radio frequency assisted proton-proton spin diffusion in perdeuterated proteins at 100 kHz MAS. J. Biomol. NMR, 66, 1-10 (2016)
Kong Ooi Tan, Vipin Agarwal, Beat H. Meier and Matthias Ernst, A Generalized Theoretical Framework for the Description of Spin Decoupling in Solid-State MAS NMR: offset Effects on Decoupling. J. Chem. Phys., 145, 094201 (2016)
Kaustubh Mote, Vipin Agarwal and P.K.Madhu, Five Decades of Homonuclear Dipolar Decoupling in Solid-State NMR: Status and Outlook. Prog. NMR Spect., 97, 1-39 (2016)
Kshama Sharma, P.K.Madhu and Vipin Agarwal, Systematic evaluation of heteronuclear decoupling at rotary resonance conditions in the regime of fast MAS. J. Magn. Reson., 270, 136-141 (2016)
Susanne Penzel, Albert A. Smith, Vipin Agarwal, Andreas Hunkeler, Ago Samoson, Anja Böckmann, Matthias Ernst and Beat H. Meier Protein resonance assignment at MAS frequencies approaching 100 kHz: A quantitative comparison of J-coupling and dipolar-coupling-based transfer methods. J.Biomol. NMR, 63, 165-186 (2015)
Vipin Agarwal, Susanne Penzel, Kathrin Szekely, Emilie Testorie, Tiit Tuherm, Andres Reinhold, Jaan Past, Ago Samoson, Matthias Ernst,Anja Böckmann and Beat H. Meier A de-novo 3D structure by solid-state NMR of a sub-milligram protein sample. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 12253-12256 (2014) (Published under “Very Important Paper” category)
Juan-Miguel Lopez del Amo,Vipin Agarwal,Riddhiman Sarkar, Sam Asami, Martin Rübbelke, Justin Porter,Uwe Fink, Yi Xue,Nikolai R. Skrynnikov, Oliver Lange, and Bernd Reif Site-Specific Analysis of Heteronuclear Overhauser effect in Microcrystalline Proteins. J. Biomol. NMR, 241-249 (2014)
Y. Jayasubba Reddy, Vipin Agarwal, Anne Lesage, Lyndon Emsley and K. V. Ramanathan Heteronuclear Proton Double Quantum-Carbon Single Quantum Scalar Correlation in Solids. J. Magn. Res. 245, 31-37 (2014)
Vipin Agarwal, Tim B van Erp, Luigi Bazano, Markus Gahleitner, Matthew Parkinson, Leon Govaert, Victor Litvinov and A.P.M Kentgens Physical and Chemical Structure Characterization of Propylene-Ethylene Random Copolymers and Heterophasic Polypropylene-Ethylene Copolymer. Polymer 55, 896-905 (2014)
Vipin Agarwal, Tiit Tuherm, Andres Reinhold, Jaan Past, Ago Samoson, Matthias Ernstand Beat H. Meier. Amplitude modulated low-power decoupling sequences for Fast Magic-Angle Spinning NMR. Chem. Phys. Lett. 583, 1-7 (2013)
Vipin Agarwal, Mariana Sardo, Ingo Scholz, Anja Bockmann, Matthias Ernst and Beat H. Meier PAIN with and without PAR: Variants for third-spin assisted heteronuclear polarization transfer. J. Biomol. NMR. 56, 365-377 (2013)
Vipin Agarwal, Rasmus Linser, Muralidhar Dasari, Uwe Fink, Juan-Miguel Lopez del Amo and Bernd Reif. Hydrogen Bonding involving side chain exchangeable group stabilizes amyloid quaternary structure. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 12551-12557 (2013)
Chandrakala Gowda, Vipin Agarwal and A.P.M Kentgens Sensitivity enhancement of Double Quantum NMR spectroscopy by modified CPMG. J. Magn. Reson., 194(1), 11-19 (2012)
Daniela Lalli, Paul Schanda, Anup Chowdhury, Joren Retel, Matthias Hiller, Victoria, A. Higman, Lieselotte Handel, Vipin Agarwal, Bernd Reif, Barth van Rossum, Ümit Akbey, Hartmut Oschkinat, Three-Dimensional Deuterium-Carbon Correlation Experiments for High-Resolution Solid-State MAS NMR Spectroscopy of Large Proteins. J. Biomol. NMR. 51, 477-485 (2011)
Vipin Agarwal, Rasmus Linser, Uwe Fink, Katja Faelber and Bernd Reif. Assignment and Characterization of Hydroxyl Protons in Perdeuterated Proteins. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 132, 3187-3195 (2010)
Vipin Agarwal, Katja Faelber, Peter Schmieder and Bernd Reif. High-resolution double-quantum deuterium MAS solid-state NMR spectroscopy of perdeuterated proteins. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 131, 2-3 (2009)
Vipin Agarwal, Yi Xue, Nikolai R. Skrynnikov and Bernd Reif. Protein side-chain dynamics as observed by solution- and solid-state NMR: a similarity revealed. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 130, 16611-16621 (2008)
Vipin Agarwal and Bernd Reif Residual Methyl Protonation in Perdeuterated Proteins for Multidimensional Correlation Experiments in MAS solid-state NMR Spectroscopy. J. Magn. Reson., 194(1), 16-24 (2008)
Vipin Agarwal, Uwe Fink Shimon Schuldiner and Bernd Reif MAS solid-state NMR studies on the multidrug transporter EmrE. Biochim Biophys Acta., 1768, 3036-3043 (2007)
Vipin Agarwal, Anne Diehl, Nikolai Skrynnikov and Bernd Reif High resolution proton detected proton-carbon correlation spectra of a protein in MAS solid state NMR spectroscopy. J.Am.Chem.Soc.,128, 12620-12621 (2006)
Bernd Reif, Yi Xue, Vipin Agarwal, Maria S. Pavlova, Maggy Hologne, Anne Diehl, and Nikolai R. Skrynnikov Protein side-chain dynamics observed by solution- and solid-state NMR: comparative analysis of methyl 2H relaxation data. J.Am.Chem.Soc.,128, 12354-12355 (2006)
- 29th National Magnetic Resonance Society Meeting, Lucknow, 2nd -5th February, (2024)
- 40th Year of Dr Reddy’s, 9th Jan, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Hyderabad (2024)
- 2023 Asia-Pacific Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Symposium (2023APNMR), 6-9th September 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan. (2023)
- The 1st International symposium on small molecules, 17th -19th May, online Organized by Chinese academy of sciences. (2023)
- Analytic and Research Development Science Fair 2023, Novartis, Online Presentation, 8th March (2023) (Talk)
- 3rd India-Japan NMR workshop, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido 27th-28th February (2023) (Talk)
- S. Subramanian’s 60th Birthday Lecture Award, XXVIIIth Annual Symposium of National Magnetic Resonance Society of India and Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biomolecules and Biomedicine, IISER Berhampur, 24th-27th February, (2023) (Talk)
- Basic Introduction to Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, India EMBO Lecture course: Structure, dynamics and interactions in biomolecular systems using NMR spectroscopy, 12th-16th December, IISER Behrampur, Orissa (2022) (Talk)
- Tutorial: National Workshop on NMR Spectroscopy, Organised by Kerala NMR Society, 16th-18th September, Kottayam, Kerala (2022) (Talk)
- Mapping interatomic 1H-1H distances at fast Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) TIFR in-house symposium, TIFR, Hyderabad, 15th -17th September (2022) (Talk)
- NMR user workshop, National High-Field NMR facility, TIFR, Hyderabad, 23rd August, (2022) (Talk)
- Mechanism of polarization exchange amongst chemically similar and distinct protons during weak rf irradiation at fast magic angle spinning JMR/JMRO/ISMAR symposium “New Voices in Magnetic Resonance, online meeting 29thJune (2022) (JMR New Voices issue Award Talk)
- Mapping interatomic 1H-1H distances at fast MAS 27th National Magnetic Resonance Society Meeting, IIT Gandhinagar, 6th-9th March, (2022) (Talk)
- Mapping interatomic 1H-1H distances/correlations at fast MAS Griffin Zoominar Series organized by Prof. Griffin at MIT, 30th November, (2021) (Talk)
- Solid-state NMR for Strcutural Characterization of Proteins, Advancements in Biochemistry and Allied Sciences, 23rd– 27thNovember, Bhavan’s Vivekananda College of Science, Humanities and Commerce, Secunderabad, India (2021) (Talk)
- Different approaches to generate 1H-1H structural restraints for pharmaceuticals and biomolecules at fast MAS, 22nd-27th August, ISMAR-APNMR-NMRSJ-SEST, (2021) (Talk)
- Tutorial: Novel dipolar recoupling approaches in Fully protonated solids. 15th March, Solid-state NMR course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(2021) (Talk)
- Tutorial: An introduction to Basics of solid-state NMR: Teaching and Learning of NMR spectroscopy for Structure determination. 19th– 24th February, National Institute of Technology, Warangal. (2021) Online Tutorial (Talk)
- Emerging Trends in Biological Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 10thSeptember,International weekly Seminar Zoom Series organized by International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems. (2020)
- Accuracy of 1H-1H distances measured using frequency selective recoupling sequences and fast MAS International NMR conference on Methods and Application (ICONS), 26th-28thAugust, Online Zoom conference. (2020) (Talk)
- Novel1H-1H Recoupling Approaches in Fully Protonated solids at very Fast Magic Angle Spinning Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, 15th-19thSeptember, Chamonix Mount-Blanc, France (2019) (Plenary Talk)
- Lab-Frame 1H-1H-Spin Diffusion in Fully Protonated Solids at Fast Magic Angle Spinning NMR 15thEUROMAR/19thISMAR, 25th-30thAugust, Berlin, Germany (2019)*(Talk)
- Novel solid-state NMR methods for protein structure determination of crystalline and non-crystalline solids at nanomolar concentrations, Department of Chemistry, IIT Powai, 8thAugust (2019) (Talk)
- Novel Proton-Proton Recoupling Approaches in Fully Protonated solids at very Fast Magic Angle Spinning, 8thAsia-Pacific NMR meeting: 3rd-6thof July, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2019) (Talk)
- Theoretical Perspectives on SERP Recoupling and Higher-order Spin-Diffusion in fullyProtonatedsolids at Fast MAS, NMR division, Riken, Yokohama Campus, 26thMarch 2019.(Talk)
- Quantitative and Qualitative proton-proton distances in fully protonated solids at fast magic spinning NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of India Meeting, 13thFeb -21stFeb, New Delhi, India. (2019) (Talk)
- Solid-State NMR Experimental Methods Developments at TIFR Hyderabad, 4thEdition of NMR Meets Biology, 16thDec -21stDec, Khajuraho MP, India. (2018) (Talk)
- Novel Proton-Proton Coherence Transfer Pathways in fully protonated solids at Fast Magic Angle Spinning NMR, Pan-TIFR Chemistry Meet, 30thNovember-2ndDecember, TIFRH, 2018 (Talk)
- Quantitative and Qualitative proton-proton distances in fully protonated solids at fast magic spinning NMR, 57thAnnual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan 18-20thSeptember, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan (2018).(Talk) (Meeting cancelled due to earthquake)
- Quantitative proton-proton distances in fully protonated solids at fast Magic angle spinning, 1st India-Japan NMR workshop, 21stJune, Riken Yokohama Campus 2018 (Talk)
- An attempt to measure quantitative proton-proton distances in fully protonated solids, Expanding Horizons of NMR, DCS, TIFR Mumbai, 12 May 2018 (Talk)
- NMR based Structural Biophysics, Pan-TIFR Biology Meet, 24th-26thAprilTIFRH, 2018(Talk)
- NMR Spectroscopy: Introduction and Perspectives, at IEEE local chapter, 17th March, RCOEM,Nagpur, (2018) (Talk)
- Novel solid-state NMR methods for protein structure determination of crystalline and non-crystalline solids at nanomolar concentrations, Indian Biophysical Society Meeting, 9th-11th of March, Indian Institute of Education and Research, Pune, India (2018) (Talk)
- Selective 1H-1H recoupling: An attempt to measure quantitative distance in fully protonated solids,TIFR Hyderabad High Field NMR Facility: Inaugural Symposium, 13th-14th February, TIFR Hyderabad, India, (2018) (Talk)
- Solid-state NMR methods to characterize transients species of protein and development of optimisation independent heteronuclear decoupling sequences for MAS solid-state NMR, 13th November, Riken NMR Centre, Yokohama, Japan, (2017) (Talk)
- New developments of in fast MAS Solid-state NMR methodology of protein samples. 9th November, Department of chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan, Kyoto Japan (2017) (Talk)
- Characterization of protein structures and transient species of α-Synuclein with MAS solid-state NMR techniques, Indo-German meeting on structural Biology (NMR meets Biology III), University of Leipzig, 3rd -8th of September 2017 (Talk)
- Structure and properties of polyolefinic polymers, NMR meets Materials, TCIS, TIFR Hyderabad, 5th May, 2017 (Talk)
- Low-power recoupling and decoupling at 60-111 kHz MAS in solids. 21st March, Solid-state NMR department, Radboud University, Nijmegen. The Netherlands (2017) (Talk)
- Rotor-Synchronized Heteronuclear Recoupling for Fast MAS Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, NMR-CAT: Catalysis by design using NMR (Indo-French symposium of NMR and catalysis), 14th -17th March 2017, University of Lille, Lille, France (talk)
- 1H-1H Distance Restraints in fully protonated proteins at 111 kHz MAS frequencies, 7th Asia Pacific NMR Symposium, 16-19th February, IISC, Bangalore (2017) (Talk)
- Solids-State NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules, at the school on “Role of NMR Spectroscopy in Structural Biology, Metabonomics and Drug Discovery”, 23rd November, ICGEB, Delhi, India. (2016) (Talk)
- Theory and applications of Solids-State NMR Spectroscopy, at the school on “Role of NMR Spectroscopy in Structural Biology, Metabonomics and Drug Discovery”, 22nd November, ICGEB, Delhi, India. (2016) (Talk)
- Selective polarization exchange amongst protons in fully protonated proteins at 100 kHz MAS frequencies. 28th October, Technical University, Munich, Germany. (2016) (Talk)
- Low-power recoupling and decoupling in fast rotating MAS solids. 19th October, CRMN, Lyon, France. (2016) (Talk)
- Observation of long-range HN-HN contacts in non-deuterated proteins at 90 kHz MAS . NMR Meets Biology, 14thJan -19th Jan, Alleppy Kerala, India. (2016) (Talk)
- Solid-State NMR as a tool for structural characterization of biomolecules and materials. 14th September, TIFR Mumbai, India. (2015) (Talk)
- Biomolecular solid-state NMR: Past, Present and Future, May 2015, TCIS, Hyderabad, India (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal, Susanne Penzel, Kathrin Szekely, Alons Lends, Matthias Huber, Emilie Testori, Andreas Hunkler, Andres Oss, Jaan Past, Andres Reinhold, Matthias Ernst, Ago Samoson , Anja Böckmann and Beat H. Meier De-novo solid- state NMR 3D-structure determination of a sub-milligram protein sample, EUROMAR 2014, 29thJune -4th July, Zurich, Switzerland. (2014) (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal, Susanne Penzel, Kathrin Szekely, Alons Lends, Matthias Huber, Emilie Testori, Andreas Hunkler, Andres Oss, Jaan Past, Andres Reinhold, Matthias Ernst, Ago Samoson , Anja Böckmann and Beat H. Meier Feasibility of Protein Structure Determination with Sub-Milligram Protein Samples at 100kHz MAS. 55th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 23rd– 28th March, Boston, USA. (2014) (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal Protein Structure at 100 kHz MAS. XXth Swiss NMR Symposium, 14th January, Basel, Switzerland. (2014) (Talk)
- Andres Oss, Andres Reinhod, Tiit Tuherm, Jaan Past, Tiit Anupõld, Ago Samoson, Vipin Agarwal, Susanne Penzel, Beat H. Meier. Spinning beyond 250 kHz MAS. EUROMAR 2013, 30th June-5th July, Crete, Greece (2013)
- Susanne Penzel, Vipin Agarwal, Matthias Huber, Ago Samoson, Anja Böckmann, Matthias Ernst, Beat H. Meier Solid-state NMR on crystalline protein samples at MAS frequency above 90kHz. EUROMAR 2013, 30th June-5th July, Crete, Greece (2013)
- Vipin Agarwal, Ago Samoson, Matthias Ernst and Beat H. Meier Low-power amplitude modulated Decoupling for Fast MAS. NMRS 2013, 3rd -6th Feb, IIT Mumbai, India (2013) (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal, Mariana Sardo, Ingo Scholz, Anja Bockmann, Matthias Ernst and Beat H. Meier Third-Spin assisted heteronuclear polarization transfer by second- order resonant recoupling. EUROMAR 2012, 1st -5th July, Dublin, Ireland (2012)
- Vipin Agarwal, Victor Litvinov and A.P.M.Kentgens Linking Chemically Specific Structure Information to Physical Properties of Polyolefin. Dutch Polymer Institute: Polyolefins Cluster Review Meeting. 2nd-3rd March, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2011) (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal, Victor Litvinov and A.P.M.Kentgens Linking Chemically Specific Structure Information to Physical Properties of Polyolefin. Dutch Polymer Institute: Polyolefins Cluster Review Meeting. 2nd-3rd November, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2010) (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal, Victor Litvinov and A.P.M Kentgens Linking Chemically Specific Structure Information to Physical Properties of Polyolefin. 3rd Blue Sky Conference on Catalytic Olefin Polymerization (Dutch Polymer Institute session) 20th-25th November, Sorrento, Italy (2010)
- Vipin Agarwal; Muralidhar Dasari; Rasmus Linser; Katja Faelber; Bernd Reif Assignment of Hydroxyl Protons, Identification of Hydrogen Bonds and Water Molecules in Crystalline and Fibrillar Perdeuterated Proteins. 50th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 28th March–3rd April, Asilomar, USA. (2009)
- Vipin Agarwal, Katja Faelber, Peter Schmieder, Bernd Reif. Deuterium Isotropic Chemical Shifts as an Alternative to Proton Chemical Shift in Crystalline and Fibrillar Perdeuterated ProteinsDeuterium. 50th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 28th March–3rd April, Asilomar, USA. (2009)
- Yi Xue, Veniamin Chevelkov, Vipin Agarwal, Anastasia Zhuravleva, Anne. Diehl, Ju. Xu, I.S. Podkorytov, Nathan. Benjamin, Nikolai R. Skrynnikov, B. Reif. Toward a consistent picture of internal protein dynamics as probed by solid- and solution-state NMR. European Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (EUROMAR), 6th–11thJuly, St. Petersburg, Russia. (2008)
- Vipin Agarwal, Veniamin Chevelkov, Anne Diehl, Bernd Reif, Nikolai R. Skrynnikov, Yi Xue, Anastasia Zhuravleva. Protein Internal Dynamics: Comparative and Combined Analyses of Relaxation Data From Solid and Solution NMR. 49th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 9th– 14th March, Asilomar, USA.(2008)
- Vipin Agarwal, Yi Xue, Nikolai. R. Skrynnikov, and Bernd Reif Deuterium NMR : High resolution and Spin diffusion 49th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 9th –14th March, Asilomar, USA.(2008)
- Yi Xue, Maria Pavlova, Yaroslav Ryabov, Anastasia Zhuravleva, Nikolai Skrynnikov, Vipin Agarwal, Maggy Hologne, Anne Diehl, and Bernd Reif. More insights from methyl relaxation data. 48th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 22nd –28th April, Florida, USA.(2007)
- Vipin Agarwal, Uwe Fink, Shimon Schuldiner and Bernd Reif Solid-State NMR studies on the multi-drug Transporter EmrE. 22nd ICMRBS conference, 20th –26th August, Gottingen, Germany (2006).
- Veniamin Chevelkov, Maggy Hologne, Vipin Agarwal, Katja Faelber, Anne Diehl, Bernd Reif. “TROSY” in MAS solid-state NMR. 47th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 22nd –27th April, Asilomar, USA.(2006)
- Vipin Agarwal, Maggy Hologne, Anne Diehl, Bernd Reif, Jason Ollerenshaw, Yi Xue; Maria Pavlova; Nikolai Skrynnikov Side-chain dynamics in proteins as viewed by solution- and solid-state NMR: a comparative analysis of methyl 2H relaxation data. 47th Experimental Nuclear magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 22nd –27th April, Asilomar, USA.(2006)
- Vipin Agarwal, K.V.Ramanathan, Anne Lesage, Benedicte Elena and Lyndon Emsley Heteronuclear Scalar Correlation between Carbon and DQ Proton Chemical shifts in Solids. 21st ICMRBS conference, 16th–21st January , Hyderabad , India. (2005) (Talk)
- Vipin Agarwal, Ranabir Das, K.V. Ramanathan (2004): Heteronuclear J- couplings in solids 10th National Resonance Society (NMRS) meeting, February, Calcutta, India. (2004)