Sawaal-Jawaab: Wealth from Nuclear Waste

Nuclear energy is a clean, green and concentrated source of energy and the same is utilised for power generation. Like any other industry, the nuclear energy industry inevitably generates waste. Spent fuel, arising from nuclear reactors, is considered as ‘waste’ in many countries. However, India has adopted a closed nuclear fuel cycle, where spent fuel is recycled into the nuclear reactor after due processing.

Though recycling of spent nuclear fuel leads to reduced waste volumes, it still generates small quantities of High Level Radioactive Wastes.

Currently, High Level Radioactive Wastes are vitrified in glass-like (borosilicate) matrices. While this practice of storing the nuclear waste is an internationally endorsed methodology for the safe management of High Level Radioactive Wastes, Smitha Manohar and her team at BARC decided to take a slightly offbeat approach. They pondered whether there was some ‘wealth’ hidden in this ‘waste’. Was there a way to come up with an even more effective way to manage nuclear waste?

Media mention: Eenadu

Photographs from the event:

Event details: 

‘Wealth from Nuclear Waste: Recovery and Recycle’
Speaker: Smitha Manohar (BARC)
Date: March 09, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 4 PM to 5 PM
Venue: Aaromale Cafe, Film nagar, Hyderabad