Sawaal-Jawaab: From Chandrayaan 3 to an Indian on the Moon

With the triumphant touchdown of the Chandrayaan 3 Vikram lander in August 2023, which Moon missions will the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) take on next? Having the rare ability to autonomously land a robotic spacecraft on another planetary body and explore it with a rover has unlocked new avenues and ambitions for India. ISRO is now planning a series of Chandrayaan missions, the first of which will see a rover co-developed with the Japanese Space Agency study water ice on the Moon’s south pole later this decade.

Next up is a sample return mission with Chandrayaan 4 promising a bounty of lunar rocks that scientists will study for decades. It’s these increasingly complex missions which will feed into and enable the newfound goal of sending the first Indian to the Moon by 2040.

Event details:

Title: From Chandrayaan 3 to an Indian on the Moon
Speaker: Jatan Mehta (Science Writer)
Date: December 16, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 4:00 PM onwards (IST)
Venue: Aaromalé, Film Nagar, Hyderabad
Mode: In-person

Content: Jatan Mehta