We are looking for for candidates with interests in one or more of the following areas: Chemical reaction dynamics / molecule – surface collisions / surface chemistry / high resolution laser spectroscopy / instrumentation and electronics. Opportunities are available for research internship, PhD and post-doctoral work.
For PhD positions, please check the graduate school admission guidelines for knowing more about the PhD and Integrated PhD programs being offered at TIFR Hyderabad
The range of available projects will give the candidate an opportunity gain experience in area of chemical reactions dynamics and collisional energy transfer at surfaces, high resolution molecular spectroscopic methods, development of electronics and instrumentation for high resolution molecular spectroscopy, lasers and optical parametric oscillators, atomic/molecular beams and high and ultrahigh vacuum techniques. The candidate is expected to be able to work independently and at the same time effectively collaborate with other group members. Candidates with entrepreneurial instinct are especially encouraged to apply.
To know more about the specific details of the projects and openings contact me at [pranavrs at tifrh dot res dot in]
For applying, please send the following information to [pranavrs at tifrh dot res dot in]
- Brief description (300 words max) of your interest in this position and any relevant previous experience
- Curriculum vitae, including names and contact details (designation, email and phone number) of at least two referees familiar with your work