5th NMR Meets Biology Meeting (2022)

December 5th [17:00 hrs] - December 11st [09:00 hrs], 2022
Hotel Malligi, Hospet, Karnataka, India
Meeting Schedule, Book of Abstracts (Last Updated: December 06 2022 08:00)

Meeting Goals

This meeting will be the fifth in the series of "NMR Meets Biology" meetings. A brief history of the meeting can be found here.

This iteration of the meeting will focus on the state-of-the-art solid- and solution-state NMR methods to tackle challenging issues in biology, as well as hyperpolarization techniques. There will be dedicated tutorial sessions on the basics of solid-and solution-state NMR spectroscopy, as well as introduction to topics such as the study of dynamics in solution state and the determination of protein structures. There will be only oral presentations at the meeting. The number of participants will be limited to 85. These include ~30 scientists from India and abroad and ~55 students.


The registration fee for attending the meeting is 300 euros for people from outside of India and Rs. 5000 for people from India. The registration fee will cover the boarding and lodging expenses, and travel in Hospet/Hampi. The fee may be paid at the venue. All speakers are requested to send in their talk abstract by November 30 to madhu [at] tifr.res.in (P. K. Madhu) or rana [at] ncbs.res.in (Ranabir Das).
