

Please create user accounts with your TIFR-H email ids onĀ Mathworks website and forward your license request mail approved by your Principal Investigator to for generating software license and keys.


Please create user accounts with your TIFR-H email ids on Wolfram website and forward your license request mail approved by your Principal Investigator to for generating software license and keys.


ChemDraw deliver all the functionality of version 20, plus new feature additions to accelerate research even faster and enable new and growing areas of scientific research. Plus, adding to bundle options to give the broader set of scientific tools need to do your research, from 3D modelling to spectroscopic analysis, to access to a brand new, web based Electronic Lab Notebook and scientific documentation and collaboration platform.


      • New User : Click here to register on ChemDraw (Now on Revvity Signals) official website (Search for Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and click on Register)
      • Registered User : Click here to login and Download the software